Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Mysterious Ways God Works...

SO my brother and sis-n-law got these cute adorable kitties! Apollo and Starbuck (no not coffee and greek god like i thought...). Poor Apollo had something similar to pink eye at three in the morning. Being the new parents they are and worried for their lil one, they took him to the kitty ER for antibiotics. Apollo looks better now, I saw him on video chat. (and starbuck too... theyre so cute!) Coming home after 6 in the morning, my brother decided to take the day off of work since he could work straight from home. Turns out he made a very wise decision. Sounds a lil off, right? But don't worry... God has his plans.
My brother takes a metro home instead of driving home because metros are a lot easier than dealing with parking, towing, yatti yatti yatta. The time and metro he was supposed to be on seemed to have an accident today, killing 9 people. When you least expect it, God saves your life. He saved my brother from any injuries or death today, and I truly, deeply thank him for that.

If you want to know more about the accident... heres the link.

Monday, June 15, 2009

A Special Shout Out...



Thanks for sharin your house with me this week buddy! You make a wonderful host! Keep up with your soda bar! You'll make a killin off of it one day! Hopefully I will see you again soon, come up any time you'd like! Be nice to your brother, it will make things a little easier for your parents. ;) Love ya, buddy!

Thursday, June 11, 2009


So last I heard, Papa is doing a lot better. Less tubes are in him and hes starting back on reegular foods. Still gets pain meds though, but then again who wouldnt be after heart surgery. Hopefully he'll be out either tomorrow or the next day! they havent said yet for sure, but maybe theyve said today. A lot of people have gone to see him and Mema stays the nights with him so he wont be lonely. Everything should be fine now, he's healing quickly and nothing seems to be wrong. :) until next time!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


So today my grandpa had heart surgery, replacing his mitral valve with one from a pig (i thought that was kinda sick, but w/e works!) and they were gonna use a robot who was doing it. If youve ever seen greys anatomy, it was prob like that kind of robot. I didnt go to the hospital today because everyone knows me + hospitals never work out very well. But ill prob go either tomorrow or the next day. They said he was swollen up some and had a vent tube down his throat .... he can only breathe some. So keep him in your prayers, and ill update y'all on more when i find more out! Keep the lovez goin!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Butterflies in Tummy

Graduation is tomorrow night! It's really nerve racking because of everything that is happening at once! Everything is changing and none of us really know what we're being thrown into once we let go of our caps and let it fly through the air. 150 students (and some teachers) will be wearing AH stickers on our caps in memory of Anthony Hill who died earlier in May his senior year. Black letters will be worn by people who knew him (or at least the ones who got the stickers... they ran out quick!) and the purple letterings will be worn by his closest friends. It's really nerve racking to think about everything that will happen after tomorrow night once i walk off that stage. It's like oh heres this awesome paper that says good luck as we shove you out into the real world... enjoy and make sure you send emails on your progress! If you've ever seen a puppy getting shoved towards a bunch of great danes to "play", then you know exactly how most of us feel about graduation now. *gulp*

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Spoons- to the extreme!

SPOONS (the card game)

Now if you've been to school the last couple of days where there is absolutely nothing to do, usually you watch a movie or play some type of game- in our case card games. There's different types of games to play: poker, spoons, bullcrap, crazy eights, war, etc. The game we have played for the last couple of days is spoons. If you havent played, get a group of your friends and play then. All you need is spoons (plastic suggested, it can get wild) and a deck of cards. The object? To not be the person without a spoon. How to play? four cards are delt to each player, and the spoons are placed in the middle so everyone can reach them. Count how many players you have, then count out that many spoons and take out one spoon so there are less spoons than there are people. Let the game begin! The dealer has the deck of cards in front of him/her. They start the game by picking up the top card, seeing if they need it or not and if they dont then pass it to the person next to you. If you do need it, then exchange it for one you dont need. Before anyone can start getting spoons, one person has to have four of the same number/face (for example {my favorite} have all four aces). Once one person grabs a spoon, the spoons are free game and anyone can grab one spoon. That's usually when it gets a little violent if you have friends like mine who will not be the one without a spoon. Usually when we play, spoons become broken and they are still used which causes blood. Also, you have the people who love to leap across the table to get the spoon on the other end from where they are sitting...cough cough Matt... Once you become good at this game, the faster it goes and the sneakier you can be with it. Most times (especially when having a new player) you can silently grab a spoon while people think you are just reaching for a card. Sometimes you can do that and keep on playing without saying a word and about ten minutes later people start to count the spoons and realize there's less there than what should be there.
Now, extreme spoons is very similar- though I have not had the chance yet to play I probably will sometime this summer when we can be somewhere where there's nothing breakable around. Otto was telling us about it at lunch while we were playing a round of spoons with about nine other people... it wasnt violent at all - kinda sad- but mostly because they were new to the game. It's played the same way except for one tiny thing. The group who's playing is sitting on one side of the room while the spoons are all the way at the other end. Once someone got their four cards, they would run over to grab a spoon. When they get up, everyone else realizes they have their four and go after the spoons. Hince the name , extreme spoons. If anyone tries it or has played it before, let me know how it goes! I'm curious now on how well it goes!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

So after high school is over with and I'm outta that place, it will be time for my summer to begin. Vacations are already planned to head home for awhile and see what is down there. College starts up in the fall and I'm already thinking about switching majors... yeah yeah i know, i havent even been in class yet and im already thinking of changing lol. I would say I have it all planned out, but i dont- so i wont. I think this is the first year im not going to camp or something like that... unless you count my trip as a camp but im still around family so i wouldnt. Plus my whole day wouldnt be planned out for me for every minute of that day- that gets really annoying after awhile. So we shall see how this trip goes, and i will be blogging about it... if i can find some internet down there... my lap top is wireless but i dont have one of those card things for it yet... should work on that... ♥z!